1. Levin, OLC Memo, December 30, 2004.
4. Senate Armed Services Committee Report stating General Abizaid ordered that the Army Field Manual (34-52) applied to all interrogations in Iraq and Afghanistan, May 6, 2004; also stated in the Church report, March of 2005 (Executive Summary released; subsequently redacted document released).
6. Testimony of Admiral Church before the Committee on Armed Services and Subcommittee on Personnel of the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, March 10, 2005.
8. Formica Report listing techniques prohibited in Iraq on May 13, 2004.
11. Guantanamo Camp Delta SOP, March 2004.
12. A Review of the FBI’s Involvement In and Observations of Detainee Interrogations in Guantanamo Bay, Afghanistan, and Iraq, May 2008; revised October 2009.
13. BSCT SOP Colonel Dunivin drafted, March 28, 2005.
16. Transcript of Arrigo audiotape made after returning from PENS, June 2005.
18. Kaslow emails.
19. Woolf emails to Rubenstein.
20. Raben email imaging of staff hard drives.
21. Behnke repayment of funds.
22. Behnke outreach.
23. Banks to Hoffman on regulations.
26. Behnke email to Hoffman ethics code.
27. Transcript 2007 Council debate.
28. Woolf email to Behnke Council debate.
29. August 2005 Council Minutes.
30. 2005 Council Membership Roster.
31. Council New Business Form with Signatures.
32. 2006 APA Council Membership Roster.
33. 2007 Board of Education Affairs (BEA) and 2007 Board of Professional Affairs Rosters.
34. 2007 Council of Representatives Roster.
35. 2008 Committee for the Advancement of Professional Practice Roster.
36. 2008 Council of Representatives Roster.
37. 2008 BEA Roster.
38. 2009 Council of Representatives Roster.
39. 2010 Council of Representatives Roster.
42. 2013 Annual Ethics Committee Report.
43. 2014 Annual Ethics Committee Report.
44. 2014 Memo from Committee on Legal Issues to Policy and Planning Board.
45. Binder Distributed at PENS Task Force.
47. Board Response to Division 19 regarding recusal criteria.
49. Kaslow email to Behnke/Garrison.
50. January/February emails to Kaslow.
51. Goldsmith timeline materials.
52. Hoffman Builds Trust with the Critics.
53. Soldz Interview.
55. Retraction Request September 2017.
57. APA Board Letter Regarding Expenses in Defending the Lawsuit August 2018.
58. Where There is Smoke, There is Fire.
59. Puente email.
60. COLI mark-up of NBI #23B.
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