d.C. COurt Filings:

1.  Complaint filed by former APA employees and retired military psychologists against APA             and David Hoffman 8/28/2017

      Plaintiffs' First Request for Documents  8/28/2017

      Plaintiffs' First Set of Interrogatories APA 8/28/2017

      Plaintiffs' Notice of Depositions 8/28/2017

2.  Defendants' Motion for a Stay and Extension of Time to File a 12(b)(6) Motion 10/11/2017

3.  Defendant APA's Motion to Compel Arbitration 10/13/2017

4.  Defendant Sidley's and Hoffman's Motion to Compel Arbitration 10/13/2017

5.  Defendant APA's Special Motion to Dismiss Under the D.C. Anti-SLAPP Act 10/13/2017

6.  Defendant Sidley's and Hoffman's Motion to Dismiss Under the D.C. Anti-SLAPP Act                  10/13/27

7.  Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Motion for a Stay and Extension of Time to File a 12(b)        (6) Motion 10/18/2017

8.  Defendants' Reply 10/25/2017

9.  Defendants' Praecipe 11/28/2017

10.  Plaintiffs' Reply to Praecipe 11/29/2017

11.  Plaintiffs' Motion for Limited Discovery in Response to Defendants' Anti-SLAPP and                   Arbitration Motions  11/30/2017

12.  Defendant APA's Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Discovery 12/14/2017

13.  Defendant Sidley's and Hoffman's Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Discovery 12/14/2017

14.  Plaintiffs' Reply to APA's Opposition 12/21/2017

15.  Plaintiffs' Reply to Sidley's Opposition 12/21/2017

16.  Court Order Regarding Defendants' Request for a Stay and Extension of Time to File a               12(b)(6) Motion 2/16/2018

17. Defendants' Praecipe Notifying Court of Ohio Decision 6/29/2018

18. Plaintiffs' Reply to Defendants' Praecipe 7/3/2018

19. Plaintiffs' Praecipe Notifying the Court of Developments in the Case 7/23/2018

20.  Response to Praecipe by David H. Hoffman, Sidley Austin LLP, and APA seeking an                   additional delay in reaching the merits of Plaintiffs' claims while an appeal is pending on              thejurisdictional issue in Ohio 9/10/2018

21. Pages from the Massachusetts complaint alleging on the basis of metadata that David H.           Hoffman and Sidley Austin LLP leaked the Report to The New York Times Reporter whose         allegations sparked the investigation 6/25/2018

22. Plaintiffs' Supplemental Complaint Alleging Republication by APA's General Counsel.                  2/2019

23. Plaintiffs' Supplemental 56(D) Affidavit Requesting Discovery. 1/2019

24. Plaintiffs' Motion to Declare the D.C. Anti-SLAPP Act Void and Unconstitutional. 1/2019

25. Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion to Declare the Act Void and Unconstitutional.            11/15/19

26. D.C. Attorney General's Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion to Declare the Act Void and                    Unconstitutional. 11/15/19

27. Plaintiffs' Reply to Defendants' and D.C. Attorney General's Oppositions to Declare the Act        Void and Unconstitutional. 12/13/19 

28. Plaintiffs' First Consolidated Opposition to Defendants' October 13, 2019, Anti-SLAPP                Motions. 11/15/19

      Exhibit A: 219 False Statements with Proof for Each Statement.

      Exhibit B: APA Board Knowledge: Involvement in Underlying Matters

      Exhibit C: 34 Affidavits Stating Hoffman and Sidley Distorted, Omitted, or Mischaracterized        Material in the Report Including from Witness Interviews

29. Plaintiffs' Second Consolidated Opposition to Defendants' Count 11 Regarding                            Republication. 11/15/19

30. APA Reply First Anti-SLAPP claiming in part that there is no evidence that the Board of              APA read the Report or understood the findings. 12/13/19

31. APA Second Anti-SLAPP reply. 12/13/19

32. Sidley First Anti-SLAPP reply omitting evidence of APA interrogatories showing only                  Hoffman had access to a word document that could have been leaked to The New York              Times. 12/13/19

33. Sidley Second Anti-SLAPP reply. 12/13/19

34.  Notice of Appeal. 4/6/20

35. Motion to Expedite Appeal. 6/11/20

36. Appellants' Opening Brief. 1/25/21

37. Appellee Hoffman and Sidley Opposition Brief. 4/26/21

38. Appellee APA Opposition Brief. 4/26/21

39. DC Intervenor Brief. 4/26/21

40. Appellants' Reply Brief. 7/19/21

41. Appellants' Motion to Strike Brief of DC AG; Opposition, and Reply. 3/8/22

42. Oral Argument approximately 60 minutes into the tape. 4/20/22

43. DC Court of Appeals reverses the Superior Court and voids part of the Ant-SLAPP Act passed by the DC Council as a violation of its powers under the DC Home Rule Act. The case is remanded for discovery on the issues. 9/7/2023

44. Order Denying Rehearing and Granting Rehearing En Banc 1/23/24

45. Plaintiffs' En Banc Consolidated Opening Brief 1/28/24

46. APA's Brief 4/8/24

47. Sidley and Hoffman's Brief 4/8/24

48. D.C.'s Brief 4/8/24

49. Plaintiffs' En Banc Consolidated Reply 5/13/24

Current Status: Waiting for court determination on status of amicis' briefs and scheduling order for oral argument in DC. (As of 7/2/24.) Updates will be posted here or may be found on the Court's website at: https://efile.dcappeals.gov/public/caseView.do?csIID=64580 

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